Trust is a fundamental fabric that keeps us grounded in near reality. When there is an element of trust in us, we are self-aware, confident, measured, and rational. The opposite of trust is insecurity. We are self-unaware, underconfident, impulsive, and irrational. Trust has immense power to attract calm, understanding interaction from one end. Sending trust has a high probability that the other side with receive interaction without threat. The chance of touching someone's insecurities is lesser when someone initiates conversations by embedding trust. Trusting is a personality trait. It's inherent to who we are and how we view ourselves. Life experiences, our way of looking at our surroundings, and the way we apply ourselves to situations all go to develop a surplus in our trust account. We draw from trust accounts when we are challenged and need help. Others are likely to come to your rescue when you have a trust surplus because of how you acted in various situations in the pa...
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