It's a strange thing. Being present in the thick of the action and unconcerned about the surrounding. We are completely unaware that we are at a distance from the hustle, trying to make sense of many things in one go. We experience quiet playback, randomly picking up signals, tuning into them, and turning up the volume. Is it intentional? Probably not. Are we drifting? Perhaps. All signals are intact, but we are unreachable for a moment. When invoked, we effortlessly assimilate into the surrounding, only to fall into oblivion shortly after. Is there a way to harness this state? If we entered oblivion with intent, it might mean context-switching on parallel thinking. We can create space within us despite being in action. If we did, it might construe strength. An ability to go in and out of various bogies in a running train. The environment you experience in each is unique. Finding a quiet, empty space for ourselves is such a powerful concept. Switch off noise we don't n...
Start and build out resilient effort.