Accommodation is an excellent trait. So long as we are gracious to the benefit of everyone, including us, accommodation generates a sense of giving, a feeling of contribution, supporting well-rounded growth. The problem with free-fall accommodation is that it can turn us into a false self-belief that things would only progress with our support feature. Constantly accommodating has a pitfall in that others quickly get used to the free availability of help. It sure has the cost attached. At first, it feels noble, fulfilling work to accommodate others and resolve confusion and challenges. And why not? Who does not like seeing everyone in our surroundings, seeing what we see, doing what we enjoy, and progressing with equal opportunity? We think there is a dearth of such behavioral good, and we are the Messiah tasked to reduce chaos all around ! This might be the turning point for a good intention becoming a downhill battle of losing self-control. Accommodation of pri...
Start and build out resilient effort.